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Since the 19th century, technological developments and increased urbanisation have accelerated human divergence from the natural environment. Studies confirm that people now spend more than 90 per cent of their lives indoors. Disconnecting with nature has contributed to poor indoor air quality, increased energy consumption and temperature increases. Therefore, we need to strike a balance between the built and natural environment to benefit both human health and the natural environment. 

Building surface plays an important role as a connector between internal space and external space. It is the boundary that connects people and nature within interior space. It is the building surface that determines the occupants’ experience of the natural surroundings. This project will explore the potential of the building surface and the natural elements it brings into the interior space which can provide us with a healthy environment, human comfort and along with archive not to aggravate the deterioration of the environment.

Drawing upon these ideas and using the processes of digital and physical manipulation, as well as the technique of reading, modelling, diagramming and collaging to explore the idea of connecting to nature within the interior.

The research project explores the relationship between human perception and the role of nature in the interior environment. It seeks to produce positive social and environmental outcomes through establishing stronger connections with nature.

Key word

Occupant comfort

Human sensory

​Building surface

Connecting with nature

Indoor environment quality

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